Magnifying glassVizSec Sponsorship Opportunities

The IEEE VizSec Symposium is inviting support from industry, academia, and government contributors in security and data visualization. As a supporter, we encourage you to join us at VizSec 2019, held in conjunction with VIS 2019 this October in Vancouver, Canada.
All support levels will receive the following benefit:

  • Exposure — your organization’s logo will be prominently displayed at VizSec, on the VizSec website, on social media, and in any conference materials.

Supporters that donate $350 CAD will receive additional benefits from VizSec:

  • Recruitment — supporters will benefit from advertising assistance for one job posting. VizSec will advertise your job posting on VizSec’s website and social media, as well as at the VizSec event.

Supporters that donate $650 CAD will receive additional benefits from VizSec:

  • Recruitment — supporters will benefit from advertising assistance for two job postings. VizSec will advertise your job postings on VizSec’s web site and social media, as well as at the VizSec event.

In addition to the above benefits, supporters at the $1,500 CAD level or above may be eligible to receive several additional benefits from VIS (see the VIS Supporter Prospectus for additional information):

  • Recruitment — some levels of support include access to the CVs of the talented students and professionals that attend VizSec and all other VIS 2019 events who are actively seeking internships and employment.
  • Exhibition — many levels of support include dedicated exhibition space for your organization at VIS 2019.
  • Registration — most levels include one or more complimentary registrations for representatives from your organization.
  • Exposure — your organization’s logos will be prominently displayed at VIS, on the VIS web site, and in any VIS conference materials.

Other Opportunities

We invite support through other opportunities as well, including:

  • Diversity scholarships - support underrepresented minorities in the fields of visualization and security.
  • Lunch, dinner, coffee breaks, or meetups for attendees - bring together attendees to have a targeted discussion about tools, techniques, and the state of the art in the security industry.
  • Best Short Paper or Poster Award - encourage researchers to make large strides in advancing the state of the art of the security community.
  • Supporters’ Panel - participate in a panel to discuss challenges in the security industry, current approaches to solutions, and opportunities for research.

Contact Information

For more information on becoming a supporter, or to inquire about other support opportunities, please email

VizSec Highlights

VizSec has been rapidly growing in recent years — both in attendance and in the diversity of our attendees and their work. Recently, acceptance rates have been in the range of 28%-37%. VizSec’s attendance has grown to consistently attract 80 to 110 attendees each year from industry, academia, and government. Perhaps the most unique feature of VizSec, as remarked by Terry Yoo, General Chair of the 2016 IEEE VIS Conference, is that VizSec consistently attracts attendees and research contributions from outside the core visualization community. Check out our Proceedings Browser from long-time contributor Fabian Fischer, and our VizSec program from last year.